Microneedling for Surgical Scars and other Scars FAQ
Microneedling for Surgical Scars and other Scars FAQ
Microneedling for surgical scars and other scars is a very effective way to reduce the appearance of visible scarring. By initiating the wound healing cascade, microneedling can produce natural collagenase. This breaks down the old scar tissue and allows a new smooth layer of skin to form.
Scientific trials have shown microneedling can achieve a 1-2 grade improvement in scars. Another trial showed that participants rated the results as an 80% improvement in the appearance of the scarring (1,2).
This article will discuss the treatment and effectiveness of micro-needling on a variety of scar types.
Microneedling for Surgical Scars
Microneedling is commonly applied to surgical scars including cesarean scars or C section scars. These scars are usually raised and red at first but fade over time. Microneedling can reduce the raised scarring and help the body create new smoother skin in the area.
Using a derma roller for surgical scars has become a common practice. Depending on the size of the scars this can be done at home or in a clinic. In most cases, a 1.0mm dermaroller will achieve good results and this is the maximum length that should be used at home.
When working on surgical scars a good quality oil like green tea oil should be used to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.
Microneedling for Red Scars
When scars are first formed they are usually red in colour and fade to white over time. Microneedling can be applied to scars almost as soon as the injury has healed. Treating scars early usually produces better results so the sooner the treatments are started the better.
Microneedling White Scars
White scars are usually older scars that have faded over time. Older scars are sometimes harder to treat but you can still achieve excellent results with microneedling. Scars should be treated every 2 weeks for a period of 12 weeks with a 1.0mm derma roller in most cases.
Microneedling Old Scars
Old scars can be more stubborn when treated. Most smaller scars can be treated at home with a 1.0mm derma roller. This should be applied every 2 weeks in packages of 6. A month or two of recovery time should be allowed before commencing another package of treatments if required.
Microneedling for Ice Pick Scars
Ice pick scars are a type of acne scar. Ice pick scars microneedling works well as these scars often cover a wide area of skin. Dermarollers can cover the entire affected area more quickly and effectively than techniques that target each scar individually.
Ice pick scars are deeper and harder to treat than other acne scars such as boxcar scars. Normally a 1.0mm microneedle roller should be used every 2 weeks for a course of treatment.
It is important to note that you cannot microneedle across skin that is still suffering from acne. This would create further scarring. In many cases treatment of the continuing acne must take place first before you can start derma rolling.
Microneedling Chicken Pox Scars
As most people contract chickenpox when they are young the scars will usually be old by the time they are treated. Like ice pick scars chicken pox scars microneedling is usually very effective. It should be carried out every 2 weeks for 6 treatments with a 1.0 mm derma roller.
Microneedling for chickenpox scars can be performed on children with their consent. In these cases, it is sometimes better to use a 0.5mm microneedling device to reduce any discomfort. Early treatment of scars is always preferable and can improve the results of the treatment.
Microneedling Lip Scars
Scars on the edge of the lips can be treated effectively with microneedling however it is better not to roll extensively across the lips themselves. This can damage the sensitive tissue and cause excessive swelling in the area.
Some clinics will actually deliberately use a dermaroller on the edge of the lips to create minor swelling. The swelling caused creates the impression of fuller lips similar to collagen injections in the area. Results however only last a few days.
When microneedling scars around the lips it is best to use a 1.0mm needle length. However, if this is a particularly sensitive area then it may be better to employ a 0.5 mm roller.
Microneedling Scars on Legs
Scars from injuries of other causes on the legs can be effectively treated with microneedling. In most cases, a 1.0mm derma roller should be used, and rolling should be in an upwards direction to work with venous drainage.
Scars on the upper legs should be treated in much the same way as stretch marks to reduce the damaged tissue and increase new collagen production.
Microneedling Breast Scars
Scars on the breasts including scars from injury and from breast enhancement procedures can be treated with microneedling. It is important to note that microneedling should not be performed across the nipple. Women with breast implants should also consult their Doctor before proceeding and should never use microneedles over 1.0mm.
Breast stretch marks can also be treated with micro-needling in much the same way. Use a 1.0 mm derma roller once every 2 weeks for a series of 6 treatments. Allow the skin to rest for several months and then repeat the package if necessary.
Microneedling Hypertrophic Scars
Both hypertrophic (raised) scars and hypotrophic (sunken) scars respond well to microneedling. In both cases, the small punctures stimulate the body to break down the misaligned collagen fibres and create a completely new layer of smooth skin.
Microneedling for Burn Scars
Research on microneedling for burn scars has shown that a series of 3 treatments can produce an 80% improvement in the appearance of burn scars. If the burns are extensive then this is a medical condition and the microneedling should be performed in an appropriate clinic.
Small burns can be treated very effectively at home or in a local clinic. Please see the Before and After page for images of an Australian woman who treated her burn scars from a grass fire with the White Lotus derma roller.
Microneedling Keloid Scars
You should never use a derma roller for keloid scars. Keloid scars continue to grow long after the initial injury. Microneedling can potentially stimulate this growth and make the scar worse. Please consult your doctor if you are not sure if a scar is a keloid scar or not.
White Lotus Scar Reduction Pack
White Lotus produces a premium scar reduction pack for home or clinical use. It includes
- 1.0 mm hypoallergenic derma roller
- Scar reduction serum employing green tea oil to help reduce the scars and protect the skin
- Natural Derma roller cleaner to kill bacteria and ensure your dermaroller is hygienic in between treatments.
This is the premium skin needling for scars equipment on the market.
Please follow the link to learn more. Scar Reduction Pack
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- Majid, I.(2009). Micro needling Therapy in Atrophic Facial Scars: An Objective Assessment. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. Jan–Jun 2(1), 26–30.
- Aust, M. C., et, al. (2010). Percutaneous collagen induction therapy: an alternative treatment for burn scars. Burns. Sep 36(6), 836-43.