Rose Quartz Comb
What is it?
The Rose comb is made from hand carved Grade A rose quartz crystal. The crystal is never chemically treated during the carving process leaving it more natural and energised. As it is hand carved every crystal comb is unique like its user.
The comb is delivered in a divine silk lined box which can be used to store your crystal comb keeping it safe and energised between treatments.
What is it for?
The 100% natural rose quartz comb can replace that less attractive plastic comb or brush lurking in your bathroom. It is a beautiful item that actually makes you feel great while brushing your hair. In the morning use it while affirming the type of day you plan to have; at night, indulge in its use as a luxurious means of winding down after a long day. Really, now, when was the last time that tugging that cheap, bland-looking plastic comb through your hair felt like anything other than a mundane chore?
These days, more and more people are connecting the physical with the spiritual, and beauty routines are increasingly being transformed into rituals that make you feel good about your self-recharged and ready to go back out and take on the world. Why should looking after your hair be any different?
The Traditional take on the Product
Crystal combs were used extensively in ancient China. They were used to look after the hair of the ancient empresses and women of wealth. They were also used both in the scalp and directly on the skin to stimulate acupuncture points and increase wellbeing.
The combs were believed to increase the flow of energy (qi) and blood to the skin not only improving the appearance but enhancing the health as well.
Why is Rose Quartz Used?
Rose quartz is a genuinely beautiful crystal that brightens up any situation; and its beauty has been held in reverence in a great variety of other societies beyond China. In ancient cultures all the way from Egypt to Tibet it was considered the crystal of love. Many legends exist about its origins including the Greek legend that tells of clear quartz being stained pink by the blood of Aphrodite to create the entrancing shades of rose quartz. What better crystal to use to supply some much needed self love to your hair at the end of the day.
What Type of Hair is it safe for?
Whether your hair is treated for colour, treated with chemicals or keratin, or simply relaxed, it’s safe to use the rose crystal comb on it.
How to Use the Rose Quartz comb?
In many ways, your state of mind when using the rose quartz comb is just as important as the manner in which you use it physically.
Rather than seeing combing and de knotting your hair as a chore we suggest you find a quiet place take a deep breath and then use the comb to gently glide through your hair smoothing and nourishing the hair as you do so. Many people like to take this time to reflect on their day in a positive way or run through any affirmations or changes you would like to make in your life.
The way you do it is up to you the important thing is to take the chore out of the process and use it as an opportunity to relax and recharge ready to face any challenges ahead.
Interested in learning a bit more about improving your follicle health via this priceless ritual? If so, be sure to follow the link. Rose Comb