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Family Constellations & Business Consultations

Family Constellation

About family constellations

If you are curious about what a family constellation entails you are in the right place.

The therapy has been around for some time and is gaining in popularity since recent features on the Netflix "Sex, Love & Goop" and "Another Self" series.

Many therapist's, healers and coaches are becoming aware of the modality due to it's ability to look at systemic problems.

It is a brief, experiential and solution focused modality that starts working quickly.

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What appears to be an unusual form of therapy has it's roots back to ancient tribal rites and rituals that have been used around the world before modern therapies exist. Many tribes use similar systems in order to deal with issues that face numerous family groups that could potentially will span generations

"Having a reading with Kamila gave me a lot of clarity about my ancestral healing. It was really nice to connect with family that have passed away and hear their guidance. It brought a lot of joy to my heart and all so identifying with some patterns and behaviours. It was a very nourishing experience"
Chantelle Williams- Personal Coach & Intuitive Guide

How a Constellation  help a Relationship

Relationship issues

If you are trying to understand how a relationship on a personal or business level can be helped by family constellations let me explain.

There are many forms of family constellations that can be performed, however they ultimately will always be directed based on the intention and purpose of the person who is asking for the constellation. Constellations can involve family and couples issues or even span much larger to problems with organisations.

Family Constellations in action

healing generationally

Regardless of the issue family constellations can help in multiple ways and levels. It is an energy based healing system that works on what we call the "knowing field".This sounds very esoteric but there is an exact process involved in all constellations. They are guided by the information that becomes available.

Regardless of your faith or belief system, generational healing can be easily accessed using the process by a facilitator.

Family Constellation Therapy Near Me

online constellation work

To understand the process of a constellation it is best to experience one first hand so that you can see that the process is exact and it is not made up or psycho drama.

Finding an experienced and well trained family constellation therapist can be tricky near you, so why not book an appointment online at your own convenience. We operate across many time zones and can find an appointment that is suitable and can also help in multiple ways due to our training.

What is a Systemic Family Constellation

healing dna

The entire theory and practice of constellation work is focused around systemic issues. That means that if if you have an issue that is yours alone, family constellations would not be the best choice.

If you have systemic issues that span generations that can manifest in your:

  • Health
  • Finances
  • Relationships
  • Behaviours
  • Organisations

Especially for looking at:

  • Trauma
  • Self Sabotage
  • Self Worth
  • Mental Health
  • Family Patterns

Family/Business Constellation would be an ideal choice

About Business Constellations

becoming aligned with crystals

We have a specialist interest in business constellations. This is a specialist field of family constellations that requires specialist training. Having helped so many businesses since 2004 as trainers and consultants around the world in multiple areas of business, we have found that business constellations can give accurate space and insight to heal hidden dynamics within any small to large business.

Constellation Meaning In Business

business strategies

The concept is not as well known for business, but businesses are systemic just like families. Instead of having generations of family members we have a network of departments and employees that react to the energy of the business and internal dynamics.

Constellations for a Small Business

Energy moving

Small business owners often struggle with the dynamics that are playing out in their business and there are very few therapies that can heal this energy. Family constellations is unique because readings are done totally blind without any knowledge to ensure that the information is truly unbiased and given with integrity.

Not having the resources or even someone else to voice concerns over, most entrepreneurs and business owners can feel totally out of their depth and prevent making vital business decisions because of the overwhelm they feel. Especially if you are from a diverse background or are a female entrepreneur....

What is a Constellation Definition for Business

The roots of a tree and how it is connected

Making money in business should be easy and without obstacle if you have a great team, product or service. However in reality we see businesses that should thrive fail and likewise businesses without any morals or ethics thrive!

Employees also are energetically effected from the corporations they work with and find it very hard to cope with and also explain to their family and friends what is actually going on.

Family Constellation for business

healing modalities

Whether you are a business owner or an employee that is finding the business they own, manage or work for uncomfortable to deal with a business constellation can be of great benefit especially when dealing directly face to face has lead to no improvement or even conflict.

It can also be a great idea to do constellations to find out about:

  • Product or service ranges new or existing,
  • Customers
  • Regions to operate in (new and existing)
  • Business partnerships (existing or potential)
  • Revenue
  • Business departments and or employees/contractors
  • Bankruptcies or ceasing trading
  • Change of business (name, purchase, location)
  • Competitors

You can look at any dynamics or questions in business constellations that need clear insight or resolutions objectively.

This can be very healing to give back the energy particularly if there is a toxic environment or issue unfolding.

For example we work regularly with therapists and coaches who refer clients that self sabotage to us and also on their businesses to stop attracting them.

Family Constellation Therapy Bert Hellinger

bowl of crystals and lavender

Bert Hellinger is the father of Family Constellations and we are fortunate to have trained with Yildiz Sethi who trained directly with Hellinger, Svagito Leibermeister and other amazing facilitators since then.

The family constellations therapy that we offer is authentic and most importantly ethical at all times.

How does family constellation therapy work

healing rituals

When you book an appointment we discuss what you want to work and and develop a clear intention. Then we do constellations blindly, so that the information that we find cannot be second doubted as imaginations. We work through the issue until the energy resolves and the constellation concludes.

A system whether family or business wants to resolve it's energy. It doesn't want to feel stuck and by operating with the fundamental energy of love, it will correct itself if the correct remedies and rituals are identified for an individual.

A constellation will benefit your entire family or business line, it is generational or organisational healing on many levels and a chance to heal past traumas.

Some issues may take multiple constellations especially as people attract the same energy with partners/friends that they carry themselves in their family line unconsciously, meaning both sides of the family often need clearing.

In a constellation one clear intention is addressed only and it is advised to wait at least 48hrs and up to 6 weeks for the energy to shift.

Family Constellations online

access anywhere online

It is very easy to book a family constellation from the comfort of your home and office. It is a private and intimate healing modality so booking a time of 90 minutes when you have space and clarity is of the upmost importance.

You get the same results whether physically attending a workshop or over the internet. Our clients prefer online consultations especially our business clients, where they feel safe and supported in their own familiar environment.

Family Constellations Brisbane

chakra yoga

We are located in South East Queensland on the Gold Coast only a short drive from Brisbane and as we said can easily do the constellation on line saving travel time and money.

Family Constellations Facilitator

group love energy

Having a keen interest in business for over twenty years and being from a TCM background originally, we being a different perspective to all businesses and individuals that are interested in doing a constellation to become a better version of themselves by clearing disruptive trauma and energy in their family or business world.

Having run international businesses, product lines and also being parents to 3 children, we offer a very different approach to align you with your highest purpose and best of all with the blessings of your ancestry.

How to become a family constellation therapist

Lady meditating

If you are wanting to train in family constellations please go to our teacher, family constellation specialists and experts for over twenty years, Yildiz and Satish Sethi.

They not only offer amazing training so you are confident to practice but they offer excellent advanced training and supervision in:

  • Couples Constellations
  • Business Constellations
  • Health Constellations

Family Constellations cost

lady dancing

Private one to one sessions in family constellations range from $350 upwards. We offer sessions at $350 or discounts on pre purchased packages of 3 so that we can target some key aspects of your life that need assistance with a constellation.

We also can do a virtual intensive day for your business starting at $2500.

We are also available to conduct group online constellations for businesses or groups, please contact for pricing or book online

More about business constellations & mindset tools

About Kamila

Kamila at the qld export awards


Kamila started her career over twenty years ago with her husband and business partner. She has grown her business internationally and also trained therapists around the world in their unique techniques and is a best selling author. Kamila is a 2nd Generation Family Constellation Facilitator.

When Kamila is not working for White Lotus she is a consulting and helping people with their businesses. Her background in eCommerce and digital marketing as well as a strategist means she can give you unique insights into your experiences and can help you in your personal and business life. Kamila is a finalist in the Queensland Export Awards for " Women in International Business".

Kamila after hours is a wife and mother of 3 children.

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