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Skin Needling Roller Review


About the White Lotus Roller- Skin Needling Roller Review 

The White Lotus Skin Needling Roller is a breakthrough in the field of Anti Aging. A simple to use method that can be used in your own home or have a professional in clinic treatment. Skin Needling can produce amazing results such as a 1,000% increase in collagen production after a single use. Also known as skin needling the rollers contains 192 Bio Ploymer micro needles. Skin Needling Rollers are currently being marketed under various brand names including MTS Roller, Dr Roller and the CIT- Roller. White Lotus sells a variety of different sized Rollers. Please examine the list below for the area you wish to treat to determine the correct size.
White Lotus also has a home use roller which is manufactured to the highest professional standards guaranteeing quality. This is available to purchase online or in a clinic that stocks the home use lotus roller range.

Why purchase a White Lotus Roller?

  • White Lotus only stocks Roller sizes that induce collagen (0.5mm and above)
  • Stimulates an increase in blood flow to the area to improve appearance.
  • Loss of collagen is the main cause of signs of aging. The Skin Needling Roller increases the production of collagen by up to 1,000% in a single treatment. 
  • It increases the effectiveness of your hair and skin care products by stimulating up to a 10,000 fold increase in absorption in a single use.
  • The process has been demonstrated not to be painful, seek a white lotus trained therapist for expert advice and treatments
The Skin Needling Roller is very safe to use for all skin types. Skin Needling has been used safely for thousands of years in China and extensively researched in the modern world with no major side effects yet reported.
It can assist a wide variety of conditions including hair loss, wrinkles, sagging skin, scars, cellulite and stretchmarks amongst others.

Purchase a Skin Needling Roller


Scientific Evidence for the Skin Needling

1. Henry et al. demonstrated that microneedles of 150�m length resulted in a 10,000 increase in absorption of calcein by the skin after the microneedles were removed. Henry S, McAllister DV, Allen MG, Prausnitz MR. Microfabricated microneedles: a novel approach to transskin needlingl drug delivery. J Pharm Sci. 1998 Aug;87(8):922-5

 2. Kaushik et al (28) carried out a small trial to determine if microneedles are perceived as painless by human subjects. Microneedle arrays of 150�m length, were inserted into the skin of 12 subjects and compared to pressing a flat surface against the skin (negative control) and inserting a 26-gauge hypodermic needle into the skin surface (positive control). Subjects were unable to distinguish between the painless sensation of the flat surface and that caused by microneedles. Kaushik S, Hord AH, Denson DD, McAllister DV, Smitra S, Allen MG, Prausnitz MR. Lack of pain associated with microfabricatedmicroneedles. Anesth Analg. 2001 Feb;92(2):502-4.

3. Fernandes D. demonstrated that microneedling can induce up to a 1,000% increase in collagen after a single treatment. Fernandes D. Minimally invasive percutaneous collagen induction. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2006;17:51-63.

4. Camirand, A. & Doucet, J. Demonstrated in case studies on a large number of patients that skin needling improves achromic, hypertrophic and unsightly scars in a simple safe and consistently effective way. Camirand, A. & Doucet, J. Needle skin needlingbrasion. Aesth. Plast. Surg. 21: 48-51, 1997.

What can the Skin Needling Roller be used for?

Hair Restoration  
Skin Needling and similar tools has been used for hair restoration in China for thousands of years. It was used in conjunction with Chinese herbal formulas that assist in increasing hair regrowth and improve hair quality. Recent scientific evidence has supported this use with trials proving that the Roller can increase absorption through the skin (transskin needlingl) by up to 10,000 times in a single use. This makes it especially important that any products used on the scalp are safe and natural. We recommend avoiding synthetic products that are known to raise blood pressure or have other side effects. We recommend you use the White Lotus Hair Restoration spray with the Skin Needling Roller. This Hair restoration spray is made from natural plant based herbs in an organic ethanol base. It is devised from time proven hair restoration herbs of China and is approved by the vegan society. When purchasing a Skin Needling Roller for hair restoration we recommend a 1mm Dermastamp as slightly longer needles are sometimes needed to pass through still existing hair. Please click on the link below to browse our range of hair restoration products which includes before and after photos of their success. Hair Restoration Products
Anti Aging and Beauty
The Skin Needling Roller is highly effective as an anti aging solution. It is effective against wrinkles, skin damage, crow's feet, lip creases, coarse skin, pigmentation problems, sun damage and sagging skin. This is because it has been shown that the skin needling Roller can increase collagen production in the skin by up to 1,000% in a single treatment. This is known as collagen induction therapy or CIT for short. The major cause of skin aging is collagen loss. This means that results can be achieved in very short periods of use at home. Skin Needling has also been shown to increase the absorption of anti aging beauty products through the skin by up to 10,000 times in a single treatment.
This means any effective anti aging product used with the Skin Needling Roller will be even more effective. It also makes it especially important that any products used with the roller and both natural and safe. We recommend using the White Lotus Anti Aging serum. The serum is produced by natural plant based herbs in an organic green tea oil base. It is devised from time proven anti aging herbs of China and is approved by the vegan society. To perform collagen induction therapy we recommend the 0.5mm Roller as this is the smallest needle which has been shown to induce collagen production. Please click on the link to browse our range of anti aging products. Anti Aging Products
Scar Reduction
Traditionally scars have been considered very difficult to treat by dermatologists. The Skin Needling Roller and dermastamp has changed this view. Based on physician use of the skin needling Rollers average improvement in scars is around 70 - 80%. This is based on several uses over several weeks. The roller is easy to use and is simply rolled across the scar in various directions for several minutes. Depending on the type of scar being treated and the depth of the scar different length Skin Needling Roller or derma stamp should be used. For most scars on the body we including deep ice pick scars on the shoulders we recommend using the 1mm dermastamp. For smaller scars on the face we recommend the 0.5mm Roller. Skin Needling Roller can be used to effectively on:
acne scars
chicken pock scars 
ice pick scars
appendectomy scars
burn scars
surgery or surgical scars
C-section scarring
tummy tuck scar removal
For best results we recommend using the Skin Needling Roller or derma stamp in conjunction with the White Lotus Scarring serum. To view this and other useful products for scar treatment please click on the following link to visit our online beauty shop. Scar Reduction Products
The Skin Needling Roller is highly effective at removing the appearance of cellulite. It causes the skin to thicken tighten and restore elasticity. It also increases the production of collagen fibres and elastin fibres so improving the appearance of the skin immediately. Unlike other techniques such as skin peels and skin needlingbrasion it does not damage the skin or remove the epidermis and so is suitable for all types of skin. For best results use with the Cellulite serum. Both products can be found in the White Lotus online shop by following this link. Cellulite Products 
Stretch Marks or striae are experienced by about 80% of women during pregnancy and are usually permanent. Until recently the treatment of stretchmarks was very difficult. Now Skin Needling Rollers have been shown to cause an average 70% improvement in the appearance of stretchmarks. The Roller achieves this result through Collagen Induction therapy or CIT. This is because glucocorticoid hormones prevent the transformation of fibroblasts into both collagen and elastin fibres in the area. By producing collagen in the area the Skin Needling Roller dramatically reduces the appearance of striae. Best of all unlike skin needlingbrasion or laser therapy there is no risk of pigmentation loss as the outer layer of skin is not removed. For best results use with the White Lotus Scarring serum. To view our range of stretch mark  products please follow this link.
The 1.0mm roller is best used with the stretch mark serum in between professional clininc visits, for maintenance and also prevention.  Stretch Mark Products

FAQ about the Skin Needling Roller

Q: What is the difference between a Trans skin needling Roller and a Skin Needling roller?
A: The word dermal comes from the Latin which simply means relating to the skin. Skin Needling Rollers and hammers have been used in China for thousands of years for both anti aging and hair restoration. More recently the term 'dermaroller, derma roller' has been trademarked by a European company. This is in fact a brand name rather than a general name for all rollers that perform skin needling.
Q: How can you guarantee the quality of the professional White Lotus Roller?
A: The White Lotus professional skin needling Roller has been manufactured to strict European Union standards. Our manufacturers hold a current CE certificate  which is a guarantee of quality.The EU standards currently hold stricter compliance measures than those of the US FDA. There are many cheap hand assembled imitations on the market.
Q: Is there any scientific proof for the effectiveness of the Skin Needling Roller?
A: Please see our section on recent scientific studies. Click Here.
Q: Was Skin Needling used in ancient China?
A: Yes the Roller is derived originally from the knowledge of acupuncture hence it is still often called skin needling. Originally both Rollers and skin needling hammers were used. The skin needling hammers were more similar to the new skin needlingl stamps that are being released for scar treatments. It was only more recently that the scientific trials were conducted on the rollers that catapulted them to fame.
Q: Can the Skin Needling Roller increase the absorption of products through the skin?

A: Yes it has been shown that Skin Needling Rollers can increase transdermal absorption by up to 200 times after a single use. This is not surprising as the roller does lightly puncture the skin. This has several implications. It means that the Rollers can be used to increase the absorption of both anti aging products and hair restoration products. It also means that it is highly important that all products used are as safe and natural as possible. At White Lotus we only recommend using all natural products that have withstood the test of time by being tested on people for thousands of years. All White Lotus products designed to be used with the Skin Needling Roller are 100% natural in organic bases and are Vegan - PETA certified. The products are designed with one simple motto 'to be effective and safe'. 
 Q: Do you recommend using numbing creams with the Roller?
 A: We strongly recommend against the use of numbing creams with the Skin Needling Roller. Feed back from hundreds of customers over the years has told us that in general people do not find the use of the Skin Needling Roller painful. This has been supported by scientific evidence as shown above. There is also some evidence that the use of numbing creams may damage local nerves. This works against the philosophy of White Lotus which has always been that the best results can be achieved by enhancing health when providing anti aging solutions.White lotus trained therapists learn techniques that dont require the use of numbing creams. 93.9% of our trained clinicians reported our techniques to be not painful without the use of numbing creams,
Q: Do all Skin Needling Rollers induct collagen?
 A: No the smallest needles that have been shown to induct collagen are the 0.5mm needles. Rollers with needles smaller than this such as 0.2mm rollers are too small to induce collagen production.