News and Insights

Most of us would want to look younger than what we are and some people are blessed with the ability to simply look much younger than their true age. However, the art of looking more youthful is sim...
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Wellness generally means to say a healthy balance of mind, spirit and body that gives an overall feeling of well-being. It is an active process of being aware and making the choice towards healthy ...
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Staying Healthy With Alternative Medicines
It seems like every day we see a new commercial advertising the latest manufactured medicine that promises to heal all of our ailments ^. It may sound wondrous, until the often expected "possible s...
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Wellness as a healthy state of mind and body
Wellness as a healthy state of mind and body Wellness can be defined as a deliberate effort to remain healthy in body and mind. One of the key ways that people improve their well-being is to use na...
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The Top Findings of the China Study
There is no question that nutrition is a subject that has been extremely important for humanity and it has been featured in any books and articles. There is one particular book called The China Stu...
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Don't Waste your money on Moisturisers
When people worry about skin care and skin protection, there is no way to deny that the most common advice that is available out there is to keep your skin moisturised. This has always been the num...
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How can Ginseng help aging skin?
We already know that Ginseng is healthy because of very many reasons. The compounds this root have been incredible for boosting our health and support a great number of internal processes of our bo...
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White Lotus Anti Aging- Jiaogulan Tea Benefits
Jiaogulan is an herb clinically proven to increase human longevity. Commonly used as a tea it supports many different bodily systems in order to help ease the damage life places to the body. It is...
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